404.vue 696 B

  1. <template><NuxtLayout name="default">
  2. <template #headline>{{ headline }}</template>
  3. <template #tagline>{{ tagline }}</template>
  4. <div class="container mx-auto max-w-screen-lg sm:px-12 px-2 mb-12 prose">
  5. <article class="body grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-12 gap-y-0">
  6. <p>Things come, things go. The page you were looking for must have gone.</p>
  7. <p>Sorry.</p>
  8. <p>You can <a href="contact">let me know</a> and I'll do my best to fix this!</p>
  9. </article>
  10. </div>
  11. </NuxtLayout></template>
  12. <script setup>
  13. definePageMeta({
  14. layout: false
  15. });
  16. const headline = "404";
  17. const tagline = "means I can't find what you're looking for.";
  18. </script>