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First installment of the Qualia Computing saga.

Andrea Franceschini 4 jaren geleden
3 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 45 en 0 verwijderingen
  1. BIN
      files/qualia/Qualia Computing email 01.pdf
  2. BIN
      files/qualia/Qualia Computing email 02.pdf
  3. 45 0

files/qualia/Qualia Computing email 01.pdf

files/qualia/Qualia Computing email 02.pdf

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+$bodyclasses = 'page';
+$title = 'Qualia Computing';
+$tagline = '';
+$description = 'A dossier on Qualia Computing';
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+	<article class="body">
+		<section class="full">
+			<h2>Qualia Computing</h2>
+			<p>On the 13<sup>th</sup> of May 2020, I woke up to find an emailfrom <a href="">Nicholas Rayner</a> about this project of his, Qualia Computing.</p>
+            <p>I was copied with a Professor I had collaborated with in the past, and the text referenced subjects of our past collaboration, so I assumed this was a student asking for a final year project for their undergraduate degree.</p>
+            <blockquote>I am Nicholas Rayner, i'm a former Ravenbourne College Interaction Design student.
+                I finished the course in 2002 and since have been designing a integrated operating system
+                called Qualia. Having recently moved to Manchester i have enrolled on a course in Innovation
+                to further progress the design of the operating system. I am also looking for people to code the
+                system for production. The idea is to design a website with the skeleton for the system;
+                then have people fill it in remotely. I would be co-ordinating this via a website. You would
+                be coding specific parts of the system to work together. First the build for PC then Mac,
+                Linux, maybe others too.
+                <br />
+                For code and web applications Qualia would follow the W3, i am trying to get them interested
+                as well as the Turing Insitiute; further universities Britian wide, including Cambridge, Oxford,
+                Bristol, Manchester,Birmingham, Edinburgh and London.
+            </blockquote>
+            <p>I am not knowledgeable enough to know that Ravensbourne College
+                is not part of the University of Cambridge so I just few past
+                that reference, but the start of the second paragraph was
+                when I began thinking it wasn't my morning slumber preventing
+                me from making sense of the email: it was in fact the email that
+                wasn't making any sense at all.</p>
+            <p><a href="<?=$baseurl?>/files/qualia/Qualia Computing email 01.pdf">Read the first message</a>.</p>
+            <p>I send the message around to some friends as an amusement and then forgot about it. Until the 29th of May 2020.</p>
+            <p>Nicholas, prophet of God, is back.</p>
+            <p><a href="<?=$baseurl?>/files/qualia/Qualia Computing email 02.pdf">Read the second message</a>.</p>
+            <p>The saga continues.<br />Last updated: 2020-05-29 10:00 BST.</p>
+		</section>
+	</article>