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<p>April 2012 — December 2015 (examined)</p>
<p><strong>PhD</strong> in Computing (HCI, Music Computing)</p>
<p><strong>The Open University, UK</strong></p>
- <p>Thesis title: <em>Learning to use melodic similarity and contrast for narrative using a Digital Tabletop Musical Interface</em></p>
+ <p>Thesis title: <em><a href="<?=$baseurl?>files/phd-thesis.pdf" title="PDF, 8.2 MB">Learning to use melodic similarity and contrast for narrative using a Digital Tabletop Musical Interface</a></em></p>
<p>supervisors: Dr Robin Laney, Mr Chris Dobbyn</p>
<p>December 2006 — June 2010</p>
<p><strong>Laurea Magistrale</strong> (MSc) in Computer Science and Engineering</p>
<p><strong>Università degli studi di Padova</strong></p>
- <p>Thesis title: <em>A practical approach to music theory on the Reactable</em></p>
+ <p>Thesis title: <em><a href="<?=$baseurl?>files/master_thesis.pdf" title="PDF, 706 KB">A practical approach to music theory on the Reactable</a></em></p>
<p>advisor: Prof. Giovanni De Poli</p>
<section class="indent">
<p>October 2008 — March 2009</p>