Qualia Computing

On the 13th of May 2020, I woke up to find an emailfrom Nicholas Rayner about this project of his, Qualia Computing.

I was copied with a Professor I had collaborated with in the past, and the text referenced subjects of our past collaboration, so I assumed this was a student asking for a final year project for their undergraduate degree.

I am Nicholas Rayner, i'm a former Ravenbourne College Interaction Design student. I finished the course in 2002 and since have been designing a integrated operating system called Qualia. Having recently moved to Manchester i have enrolled on a course in Innovation to further progress the design of the operating system. I am also looking for people to code the system for production. The idea is to design a website with the skeleton for the system; then have people fill it in remotely. I would be co-ordinating this via a website. You would be coding specific parts of the system to work together. First the build for PC then Mac, Linux, maybe others too.
For code and web applications Qualia would follow the W3, i am trying to get them interested as well as the Turing Insitiute; further universities Britian wide, including Cambridge, Oxford, Bristol, Manchester,Birmingham, Edinburgh and London.

I am not knowledgeable enough to know that Ravensbourne College is not part of the University of Cambridge so I just few past that reference, but the start of the second paragraph was when I began thinking it wasn't my morning slumber preventing me from making sense of the email: it was in fact the email that wasn't making any sense at all.

Read the first message.

I send the message around to some friends as an amusement and then forgot about it. Until the 29th of May 2020.

Nicholas, prophet of God, is back.

Read the second message.

The saga continues.
Last updated: 2020-05-29 10:00 BST.