Personal information

Nationality: Italian

Download the full CV (PDF, 94 KB)


April 2012 — February 2016

PhD in Computing (HCI, Music Computing)

The Open University, UK

Thesis title: Learning to use melodic similarity and contrast for narrative using a Digital Tabletop Musical Interface

supervisors: Dr Robin Laney, Mr Chris Dobbyn

December 2006 — June 2010

Laurea Magistrale (MSc) in Computer Science and Engineering

Università di Padova, IT

Thesis title: A practical approach to music theory on the Reactable

advisor: Prof. Giovanni De Poli

October 2008 — March 2009

Erasmus, thesis research and development work on the Reactable

Music Technology Group

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, ES

supervisor: Dr. Sergi Jordà

October 2002 — December 2006

Laurea (BSc) in Computer Science and Engineering

Università di Padova, IT

Thesis title: Schematizzazione di uno scheduler ciclico statico per applicazioni embedded in ambiente Windows CE

advisor: Dr Michele Moro

Work experience

January 2016 — present

Post Doctoral Research Associate

Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
, UK

Research and development for Isaac Physics.

November 2016 — present

Post Doctoral Research Associate

Robinson College
University of Cambridge
, UK

Teaching Supervisor for the Computer Science tripos (see teaching experience).

2006 — present

Freelance developer (iOS, web)

  • Web sites, mostly for clients in the classical music industry
  • iOS applications, mostly small- to mid-sized applications ranging from exhibition guides to citizen engagement, from interactive books to casual games

Some clients: Sintetik, Kina

Some technologies: Drupal, CakePHP, Ruby on Rails, iOS SDK

Teaching experience

October 2016 — present

Teaching Supervisor for Robinson College, University of Cambridge, UK


October 2011 — November 2011

Full-time teacher at Istituto di Istruzione Superiore di Lonigo

Course: A035, Electrical Engineering and Applications

October 2002 — June 2010

Private tutor for high school and university students

Courses: Mathematics, Computer Science, Electronics, Electrical Engineering


Refereed papers



  • Technologies and practices to “uncomplicate” music. CSMC, September 2017, The Open University, UK.
  • Qualitative Data Analysis. Workshop, ESSD-HCI seminar series, March 2015, The Open University, UK.
  • Music lessons on a tabletop. Invited seminar, 26 September 2014, Experimental Music Lab, Università di Trento, Italy.


  • Musical Creativity & HCI. CSMC, September 2017, The Open University, UK.

Magazine articles