404.php 504 B

  1. <?php
  2. $bodyclasses = '404 error page';
  3. $title = '404';
  4. $tagline = 'Something\'s wrong';
  5. $description = 'Yep, you are looking for something that is not here.';
  6. ?>
  7. <?=i('_header')?>
  8. <article class="body grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 gap-x-6 gap-y-0">
  9. <section class="full col-start-1 sm:col-span-2">
  10. <header>
  11. <h2>Nope</h2>
  12. </header>
  13. <p>Sorry, you are looking for something that is not here.</p>
  14. <p>And just in case, I'm not a teapot.</p>
  15. </section>
  16. </article>
  17. <?=i('_footer')?>