research.php 3.1 KB

  1. <?php
  2. $bodyclasses = 'research page';
  3. $title = 'Research';
  4. $tagline = 'not a synonym for “google”';
  5. $description = 'Everything you need to know to get in touch with me.';
  6. $keywords = 'music, learning, tabletop, research, the open university, university of cambridge, isaac physcs, reactable';
  7. $twitter_image = 'images/table_2-2x.jpg';
  8. $banner_image = 'images/banner_research-2x.jpg';
  9. $banner_image_half = 'images/banner_research.jpg';
  10. ?>
  11. <?=i('_header')?>
  12. <article class="body">
  13. <p>I am a trained computer scientist and I have done qualitative research. This means I'm comfortable with analysing numbers and words alike.</p>
  14. <section class="left">
  15. <p></p>
  16. <figure>
  17. <picture>
  18. <source srcset="<?=$baseurl?>images/reactable.jpg 1x, <?=$baseurl?>images/reactable-2x.jpg 2x" />
  19. <img srcset="<?=$baseurl?>images/reactable.jpg" alt="Reactable" />
  20. </picture>
  21. <figcaption><span>An interactive musical tabletop.</span></figcaption>
  22. </figure>
  23. <p>When I started my doctoral studies, there was an alarming lack of empirical studies in the area of <strong>interactive tabletops</strong> as <strong>music learning tools</strong>. It is not clear what happens when you give people a giant touch screen, and teach them music with it. This means you have to sit down and watch them, record their actions, and analyse their conversations.</p>
  24. </section>
  25. <section class="right">
  26. <h2>Qualitative research</h2>
  27. <p>Qualitative research is hard and fascinating work: it gives you insight on what people do and think &ndash; like reading minds, if you think about it.</p>
  28. <p>QR is at the heart of <strong>user experience research</strong>, among other applications &ndash; that means figuring out what people think about the things you make, and how they use them.</p>
  29. <p>You can look at pretty much anything for information. Typical data sources include interviews, journals, videos, and so on. However, it is a common misconception that qualitative findings are less rigorous than quantitative findings: they are simply different, and they can even work together to strengthen each other and produce even more rigorous research.</p>
  30. </section>
  31. <section class="full hr"></section>
  32. <section class="full">
  33. <h2>What can I help you with?</h2>
  34. <p>Do you have a pressing question that needs answer? Do you want to make your app better and easier to use? Do you have a brilliant new idea and want to know if it's worth developing it?</p>
  35. <p>Things I <strong>can</strong> help you with include</p>
  36. <ul>
  37. <li><strong>User research</strong> (ethnographies, surveys, focus groups, A/B testing…)</li>
  38. <li><strong>Interaction design</strong> (UX, prototyping, behaviour, patterns, iterative design…)</li>
  39. <li><strong>Usability</strong> (web sites, graphical and tangible interfaces…)</li>
  40. </ul>
  41. <p>I can work with your designers and developers to help you look into ideas and products, prototype and evaluate them, and finally build and release amazing solutions.</p>
  42. <p class="calltoaction">Curious? <a href="<?=$baseurl?>contact">Get in touch!</a></p>
  43. </section>
  44. </article>
  45. <?=i('_footer')?>